- Item ID: 440
- Item Title: Multi Color Multi Strand Clay Beaded Boho Bib Necklace
- Item Description:
Multi Color Multi Strand Clay Beaded Boho Bib Necklace
Cir 1960's. 27 " L end to end by 4" center width. 13 1"2" Length fr neck to beads. Fish Line like string beads were hung on.
Very Earthy shades of tans, greens, browns and purplish color clay beads in graduating sizes with the biggest beads in the center and getting smaller as they go up the sides.
Very Hippie. Peace Love vibe kind of vibe to it. Overall great condition w a few tiny nicks in a few beads. See first and last picture with the biggest nick and only nick that would show up on camera. Luckily u can easily turn the bead around when worn so it wouldn't show.
Perfect fall wear colors.
Price: $45.00
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Item: Item ID: Earthtone Clay Beaded Necklace
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